“And so I ask myself: 'Where are your dreams?' And I shake my head and mutter: 'How the years go by!' And I ask myself again: 'What have you done with those years? Where have you buried your best moments? Have you really lived?" Fyodor Dostoyevsky, White Nights

quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2013

O Valor do Homem para a Mulher

"Se se diz a uma mulher que certo homem é inteligente, ela escreve mentalmente um zero. Se se diz que é culto, ela escreve outro zero. Se acrescentarmos que é belo, amável, com boa reputação social e tudo o mais que se quiser, ela acrescenta outros zeros. Se finalmente se confidenciar que ele é bom na cama, ela escreve um 1 antes dos zeros todos."

Vergílio Ferreira, in "Conta-Corrente 2"

quarta-feira, 28 de agosto de 2013

Five Easy Pieces (1970)

"A drop-out from upper-class America picks up work along the way on oil-rigs when his life isn't spent in a squalid succession of bars, motels, and other points of interest."

" The film is an intense character study of an alienated, misfit drifter who seems to have no specific direction or place in life. Jack Nicholson brings to life Robert Dupea, a man who has considerable natural musical talent, but has rejected that life and his family who is also musically talented. There are hints throughout the film that Robert had great promise as a concert pianist if only he had stuck with it. He contains many of the creative personality characteristics that would predispose him to musical greatness. Psychologists who study creativity have found that generally creative people contain a number of specific personality characteristics. Robert contains many of them, but has generally abandoned creating anything."

Retrato a la Minuta - Vergilio Ferreira (1996)

A Clockwork Orange Documentary "Great Bolshy Yarblockos!"

terça-feira, 27 de agosto de 2013

Loves of a Blonde (1965)

"A working-class young woman in a hick Czech town sleeps with one of the band members of a group from Prague. "You are a Mondrian, not a Picasso," he tells her. When she doesn't hear from him again, she packs up and arrives on his doorstep in the big city, throwing his household (he lives with his parents) into chaos."


Bukowski - What Matters Most

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Charles Darwin - The Origin of the Species

Bertrand Russel - Código de Conduta

Bertrand Russell propôs, na sua autobiografia, um "código de conduta" liberal baseado em dez regras de ouro, à maneira do decálogo cristão, para viver uma vida feliz.

1- Não tenhas certeza absoluta de nada.
2- Não consideres que valha a pena proceder escondendo evidências, pois as evidências inevitavelmente virão à luz.
3- Nunca tentes desencorajar o pensamento, pois com certeza tu terás sucesso.
4- Quando encontrares oposição, mesmo que seja de teu cônjuge ou de tuas crianças, esforça-te para superá-la pelo argumento, e não pela autoridade, pois uma vitória dependente da autoridade é irreal e ilusória.
5- Não tenhas respeito pela autoridade dos outros, pois há sempre autoridades contrárias a serem achadas.
6- Não uses o poder para suprimir opiniões que consideres perniciosas, pois as opiniões irão suprimir-te.
7- Não tenhas medo de possuir opiniões excêntricas, pois todas as opiniões hoje aceitas foram um dia consideradas excêntricas.
8- Encontres mais prazer em desacordo inteligente do que em concordância passiva, pois, se valorizas a inteligência como deverias, o primeiro será um acordo mais profundo que a segunda.
9- Sê escrupulosamente verdadeiro, mesmo que a verdade seja inconveniente, pois será mais inconveniente se tentares escondê-la.
10- Não tenhas inveja daqueles que vivem num paraíso dos tolos, pois apenas um tolo o consideraria um paraíso.

quinta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2013

Charles Bukowski - Quotes

“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts while the stupid ones are full of confidence.”

“what matters most is how well you walk through the fire”

Charles Bukowski

terça-feira, 20 de agosto de 2013

Human Desire (1954)

"Jeff Warren, a Korean War vet just returning to his railroad engineer's job, boards at the home of co-worker Alec Simmons and is charmed by Alec's beautiful daughter. He becomes attracted immediately to Vicki Buckley, the sultry wife of brutish railroad supervisor Carl Buckley, an alcoholic wife beater with a hair trigger temper and penchant for explosive violence. Jeff becomes reluctantly drawn into a sordid affair by the compulsively seductive Vicki. After Buckley is fired for insubordination, he begs her to intercede on his behalf with John Owens, a rich and powerful businessman whose influence can get him reinstated. When Buckley suspects she has used sexual favors to persuade Owens, he stabs him to death in a jealous rage in a railroad compartment. Jeff, a potential witness to the homicide, becomes an accessory after the fact."


Born to Be Bad (1950)

"Christabel fools everyone with her sweet exterior including her cousin Donna and Donna's wealthy fiancée Curtis. The only one who sees through her facade is Nick, a rugged writer who loves her anyway. Christabel also loves Nick, but she loves Curtis' money more. After convincing Curtis that Donna is only interested in him for his money, she tricks Curtis into marrying her. Of course, she still dallies with Nick on the side." 



domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

Stealing Beauty (1996)

"After her mother commits suicide, nineteen year old Lucy Harmon travels to Italy to have her picture painted. However, she has other reasons for wanting to go. She wants to renew her acquaintance with Nicolo Donati, a young boy with whom she fell in love on her last visit four years ago. She also is trying tosolve the riddle left in a diary written by her dead mother, Sara."

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