"This tragic tale centers around the ill-fated love between Baptiste, a
theater mime, and Claire Reine, an actress and otherwise
woman-about-town who calls herself Garance. Garance, in turn, is loved
by three other men: Frederick, a pretentious actor; Lacenaire, a
conniving thief; and Count Eduard of Monteray. The story is further
complicated by Nathalie, an actress who is in love with Baptiste.
Garance and Baptiste meet when Garance is falsely accused of stealing a
man's watch. Garance is forced to enter the protection of Count Eduard
when she is innocently implicated in a crime committed by Lacenaire. In
the intervening years of separation, both Garance and Baptiste become
involved in loveless relationships with the Count and Nathalie,
respectively. Baptiste is the father of a son. Returning to Paris,
Garance finds that Baptiste has become a famous mime actor. Nathalie
sends her child to foil their meeting..."
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