“And so I ask myself: 'Where are your dreams?' And I shake my head and mutter: 'How the years go by!' And I ask myself again: 'What have you done with those years? Where have you buried your best moments? Have you really lived?" Fyodor Dostoyevsky, White Nights

segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2015

Behavioral Goals in the Workplace

by Sam Ashe-Edmunds, Demand Media
What you don’t do at work can be just as important as what you do when it comes to your behavior. How you interact with other employees and managers can help you get noticed and climb the company ladder. Manage your workplace behavior, as well as your work responsibilities, to make yourself known as a productive team player who might be management material.

Follow the Rules

Get a copy of your company policy manual or ask for any written policies and procedures and get to know them inside and out. Just because everyone else might be violating a particular policy doesn’t mean management won’t eventually clamp down. If and when that happens, you don’t want to be known as one of the rule breakers who caused them to address the problem. Follow common sense rules, even when it comes to little things such as keeping your desk clean, not leaving cups or dishes in the break room sink, dressing professionally and putting paper in the copy machine when you empty it.

Practice Good Attendance

Get to work early instead of cutting it close everyday. Not only will you avoid coming in late, you’ll also get noticed as someone who’s responsible and ready to get to work. Don’t take long lunches even if your coworkers are doing it. Use a polite excuse such as, “I’ve got to get some emails out soon,” rather than lecturing peers who stretch lunches. Don’t watch the clock or “wind down” toward the end of the day. If you have your coat on five minutes before it’s time to go and you’re chatting with coworkers, your boss will know you likely stopped working 15 minutes or more early.

Don’t Gossip

Don’t start gossip, repeat it or respond to it. Even if you only listen and comment to others, coworkers who get caught gossiping might defend themselves by saying, “But John thinks so, too!” In addition to personal gossip, don’t discuss other’s work habits, mistakes the company has made, or your disappointment with your boss, responsibilities, pay or bonus. Don't reveal too much about your personal life, either. The less people know about your relationships, hobbies, family members or politics, the less gossip material they will have on you.


Asking coworkers if they need any help, or asking supervisors if you can take on extra responsibility, shows you are committed not only to doing your job well but also helping the company succeed. This is known as taking initiative and shows that you are more than a worker drone or an employee with no drive. Don’t offer to help if it will affect your ability to get your own work done, however. Helping others is no excuse for not meeting your responsibilities. Only offer help when you know you have the time to provide it.

Schedule Your Week

Create a to-do list each week and schedule when each task needs to be completed to ensure your work gets done. Even if you’re a conscientious worker, others might not hold up their end of the workload, and this can throw off your timetable. Create Plan B scenarios to be able to handle problems, such as a coworker or supplier not delivering what they promised. For example, if you have a project due on Thursday afternoon and need some numbers from accounting to finish the project, don’t ask accounting for the numbers by Thursday morning. Request them for Wednesday delivery, giving you Thursday as a backup date in the event computers crash, someone takes a sick day or a peer simply forgets your request.


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